3 min

6 Blogs I Enjoy Reading Every Day

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

I've been a fan of blogs for as long as I can remember, hence the desire to start one of my own. Throughout the years, I've developed a long list of blogs that I enjoy reading every day! I know everyone has their personal preference on the type of blogs they read, but I wanted to share the ones that I've been gravitating towards lately.

As I started to compile my list for this post, I realized I now follow about 20+ blogs via Bloglovin. I don't want to overwhelm you, so I've broken the list down to my top 6. Happy reading! What are some of your favorite go-to blogs?

SimplyCyn: Cynthia originally started blogging about her obsession with Etsy. She now blogs about travel, food, fashion, and music. As of late, she has been documenting her pregnancy journey; she's about to become a mom to twins! Be sure to check out her beautiful Instagram feed; this girl looks good in every color.

Where Did You Get That: Karen is all things fashion; I've been following her for years. She's originally from London but now lives in NYC with her husband. Karen discusses the best places to shop in NYC and how to mix and match the clothing you already own. She also talks about beauty, home decor, and travel. I love her youtube series What Everyone is Wearing in New York. Be on the lookout for new vlogs every Friday.

Wit & Delight: I discovered Wit & Delight last year; I love their content. It's a good mixture of wellness, style, home decor, and relationships. The first paragraph in the About section sums it up perfectly. They also have a podcast, which I haven't had a chance to check out yet.

We aren’t a “mommy blog”, but we have stories about motherhood. We aren’t a fashion site, but we want your outer personal style to reflect the inner you. We aren’t interior designers, but we understand the importance of creating an interior that gives a sense of solace from the outside world.  We aren’t mental health professionals, but we live our life to the fullest with our diagnoses.

Boss Babe: I love a good blog about women as entrepreneurs! Boss Babe covers all things business and careers, as well as mindset and confidence. They also have a podcast that I've listened to a few times. Check out the Boss Babe manifesto below.

BossBabes are women who KNOW that they’re the business. In our community no dream is too big or aim too high: we encourage women to be unapologetically ambitious and equip them with the kit to create success for themSELVES.

Oneika the Traveler: I cannot remember how I came across Oneika's blog, but I've been a long time reader. For anyone that loves to travel like me, Oneika is your girl. She's traveled to 115 countries on 6 continents! Oneika is also the host of Travel Channel's One Bag and You're Out and Big City, Little Budget. She's also an on-air travel and lifestyle correspondent for NBC New York and CTV Canada. I've enjoyed watching her career skyrocket over the years. Not sure how she does it all with a husband and a new baby, but she's kicking butt right now. I had the privilege of seeing her on a panel at the Women's Travel Fest last year. She is such an inspiration!

LaTonya Yvette: I discovered LaTonya's book, Woman of Color, at the book store, before I knew about her blog. The book is part memoir and part lifestyle guide; I enjoyed reading it. LaTonya's blog covers style, wellness, motherhood, and hair. I love her realness and the authenticity that shows through her writing.
